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Group Therapy

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Our group therapy sessions provide a nurturing and collaborative space for individuals with shared experiences to come together and explore their challenges. Led by experienced therapists or psychologist, these sessions typically last for 1.5hrs to 2 hours, offering ample time for meaningful interaction and growth. Sessions are held once a week, allowing members to establish trust, build connections, and develop coping skills over time. While consistency is key to progress, exceptions may be accommodated based on individual needs and circumstances. Join our supportive community to discover strength, resilience, and healing in the company of others who understand.

Types of Therapies:

Labels we work with:

1.Mood Disorders

2.Anxiety Disorder

3.Adjustment Challenges

4.Neurodevelopmental Disoders

5.Personality Disorders

6.And much more…

Ages we work with


2.5 years - 5years
Pre-school age


5 years 1 month - 12 years
Middle-child hood


13 years 1 month - 15 years


15 years 1 month - 18 years
Adolescenes to Emerging Adulthood


18 years - 80 years
Emerging Adult phase, Adulthood to Late old age

First Call

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Second Call

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Third Call

Sit eu mauris et ac imperdiet facilisi facilisi nulla adipiscing consectetur vel aliquet at condimentum.

Fourth Call

Sit eu mauris et ac imperdiet facilisi facilisi nulla adipiscing consectetur vel aliquet at condimentum.

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