‘MY 1-hour-moneY-hack’
-powered by sisterhood In Sri Lanka
What is this journey about?
We go through life facing all the challenges it throws up and the opportunities it presents, without any preparation! As a result, our ability to optimally deal with life is limited!
What if we can learn a technique to put ourselves in the optimal state of mind for every important milestone in life, or even every important event on a day-to-day basis?
‘My ONE-hour mONEy hack’ (M1HMH) gives us exactly this superpower!
‘MoneY’, in the context of this course, is a short-form for ‘WEaltH’ — of all kinds! The course is a spiritual take on nurturing all our possessions and desires — and helps us blast away all our “MoneY” problems in one hour flat or less, without the drudgery of financial tools and techniques!
Journey Details
Method: Online Via Zoom
Duration: 5 consecutive days 1 Hour each
Medium: English
What you will get at the end of the 5 days
• You will understand why you are often in misery and how to transform this!
• You will learn how to change your mindset to contentment, detachment, or creativity in a matter of minutes, even starting from deep depression!
• You will uncover your limiting beliefs and start playing big!
• You will discover your true inner power and become tangibly more content!
• You will embrace your destiny and develop the patience to take all the required steps of your own journey!
About the MoneY Gurus: Dileepan Ragunathan & Gayathri Dileepan

MY one-hour-MoneY-hack Guru from Indian
- Dileepan is a professional with over 35 years of
experience, spanning the corridors of Indian corporate
power, the exciting world of startups and the benign sphere
of One-on-one Counselling and Organizational Consulting.
He has been the Indian MD of the UK-based multinational
Capita IT Services, a Vice President with the French
multinational Capgemini and a DU Head with the Indian
Software major, Mastek. He set up his own startup in 1988
(when the term “startup” was yet to be coined!) focused on
providing IT and Mgmt Consultancy to Mumbai-based SME’s;
he was the VP-Tech of a Mumbai-based Dot-Com startup in
1999-2001; he recently set up and ran a Mgmt Consultancy,
MIDAS Insights (midasinsights.com), focused on Indian SME’s
and corporate entities. He is also an internationally certified
NLP expert, Hypnotherapist and breakthrough Coach.
He is a B.Tech in Computer Science from IIT, Bombay. He is also an innovative workshop facilitator and
frequently uses mechanisms drawn from dramatics to infuse experiential learning in his workshops
Gayathri Natarajan Dileepan is a graduate of English Literature from Chennai University.
She started her professional career as a Team Leader in some NBFCs. In 2003, she migrated to Australia and served as the Branch Manager in a lending firm for 4 years. She later joined Commonwealth Bank Australia for a short span of time before she shifted back to India.
After being in a failed relationship, her life took a huge turn when she met Dileepan Raghunathan.
Her journey of financial abundance kick-started when she first participated in, and then began to assist Dileepan Raghunathan in this very same workshop!
Gayathri is trained in modalities like Pranic Healing, EFT, and Journey. She is also an NLP practitioner. She has taken intense training under Dileepan Raghunathan.
Her counselling practice grew in abundance, and since then, there has been no looking back.
Today, Gayathri works independently and also with her partner Dileepan Raghunathan, whom she has actively assisted. She helps a lot of men and women to break their inner blocks related to emotional and financial needs and has facilitated a large number of amazing shifts in her counselees, by helping them embrace abundance in their own respective lives!
Along with her partner, Dileepan, she runs workshops like Nūtana Prārambhî, a workshop for single women. …and subalaa naari, a WhatsApp group for single women and mothers, where she conducts regular free online seminars for single women to help them find clarity and their own true calling.
Gayathri is also a trained vocalist who sings popular numbers in English, Hindi, Tamil, etc., besides Carnatic music too, occasionally!
She is known for singing amazing cover versions of Queen, Tina Turner, Carpenters, Scorpions, etc. A couple of her videos went viral on Social Media a couple of years ago! She has recently started doing live performances as well!
Gayathri also writes inspirational posts about her own inner shifts. She shares freely from her life, and her write-ups have a fan following on Social Media. She has recently started an FB page called “Gayathri’s Musings,” where she shares small but profound thoughts that have come as ‘Aha’ moments to her, both in her conversations with Dileepan and her own contemplations.
How to Apply?
For further inquiries, you can reach out to us at +9474 128 4984 or +94706888665 or connect via email at [email protected]. We’re here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.